Here you will find a regularly updated collection of articles published in physiological journals.
The Physiological Society of Japan
celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2023. On this occasion the Journal of Physiology compiled a collection of some of the most influential research published by Japanese authors in this journal. Have a closer look here
Plügers Archiv: a selection:
made by Armin Kurtz, editor in chief of Pflügers Archiv – Eur J Physiol:
Selected Publication:
Pflügers Arch – Eur J Physiol. Volume 475, issue 1, January 2023 Special Issue: Body and mind: how somatic feedback signals shape brain activity and cognition.
From Pflügers Archiv we highlight a thematic collection of papers. These are in a Special Issue entitled “Body and mind: how somatic feedback signals shape brain activity and cognition”.
During recent years, body-to-brain signaling is gaining increasing attention. Understanding interactions between the brain and “peripheral” functions (cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic, hormonal and others) bears great potential for basic neurosciences as well as for pathophysiology and clinical innovations. A major focus of the Special Issue is on respiration as a fundamental rhythm which has astonishing impact on brain function and cognition. However, this example can and should be generalized to a modern understanding of embodiment – after all, the brain is an organ, and as such is embedded into the entire organism and its environment.
APSselectA February 2024 Selections from APS Journals
AJP GI and Liver Physiology, Engevik et al: AJP Cell, Distribution of P2Y and P2X purinergic receptor expression within the intestine.L P2 receptors have crucial roles during inflammatory and infectious diseases. These have largely been demonstrated in immune cells and the enteric nervous system. The role of purinergic signaling within the gastrointestinal tract remains largely unknown although epithelial cells serve as the first barrier against infection and inflammation This publication expands current knowledge of purinergic receptor distribution and relative expression along the intestine.
AJP Cell Physiology: Lautaoja-Kivipelto et al, Interaction of the C2C12 myotube contractions and glucose availability on transcriptome and extracellular vesicle microRNAs. The studied the effects of exercise-like electrical pulse stimulation on the transcriptome of the C2C12 myotubes as well as their media containing extracellular vesicle-carried microRNAs. They show that higher glucose availability augmented transcriptional responses related especially to contractility and cytokine/inflammatory pathways.
AJP Heart and Circualtory Physiology: Ransom KV et al. Arterial stiffness mediates the association between age and processing speed at low levels of microvascular function in humans across the adult lifespan. The function of micro- and macrovessels within the peripheral vasculature has been identified as a target for the investigation of potential cardiovascular-based promoters of cognitive decline. However, little is known regarding the interaction of the micro- and macrovasculature as it relates to cognitive function, It is shown that arterial stiffness partially mediates the association between age and processing speed in the presence of low microvascular function, as demarcated by maximum tissue oxygenation following ischemia. Central and peripheral pulse pressure remained associated with processing speed even after controlling for age. These findings obtained in cognitively healthy, highlights the potential for these outcomes to be considered during trials aimed at the prevention of cognitive decline.
Much more can be found in this month’s selection of articles from APS journals!
The German Physiological Society (DPG) selects regularly a “Paper of the Month“.
DPG’s paper of the month (Brian P Rummell et al.) was recently published in Nature Communications. The ability to distinguish sensations that are self-generated from those caused by external events is disrupted in schizophrenia patients.but the reasons for this are not well understood. The authors examined the processing of self-generated sounds in male Df(16)A+/- mice, which model one of the largest genetic risk factors for schizophrenia, the 22q11.2 microdeletion. They found that auditory cortical neurons in Df(16)A+/- mice fail to attenuate their responses to self-generated sounds, recapitulating deficits seen in schizophrenia patients. Notably, the auditory cortex of Df(16)A+/- mice displayed weaker motor-related signals and received fewer inputs from the motor cortex, suggesting an anatomical basis underlying the sensory deficit. These results provide insights into the mechanisms by which a major genetic risk factor for schizophrenia disrupts the top-down processing of sensory information.
The Physiological Society of Japan publishes regularly Science Topics related of a recently published paper.
The latest topic relates to an article published by Seine A. Shintani in Biophysics and Physicobiology (21(1), e210006, 2024.: The chaotic oscillations of sarcomeres within cardiac muscle cells are induced by calcium fluctuations. For details click here
Don’t miss Physiology Shorts
These new and engaging video feature from The Journal of Physiology aims to deliver short and informative research snapshots directly from the authors of research papers selected by the Editors of the journal!