IUPS and Europhysiology partner societies invite you to submit symposium proposals. Symposia are an essential part of the congress and should reflect cutting edge science in all subdisciplines of physiology. Don’t miss the chance to present your field of interest to the global physiological community
Each symposium will last 1 hour and 30 minutes and must address scientific issues around a coherent theme of interest to a broad audience and will include 4 speakers. Two senior speakers (30 min) + 2 early career speakers ( max. 10 years after graduation; 15 min). Early career as well as senior scientists are encouraged to participate in the proposals.
The involvement of scientists should involve any scientist from any country as chairperson and/or speaker. The proposed speakers/chairpersons at the symposium should preferably belong to different countries. Never exceed 2 speakers from the same country, provided that they are from different institutions.
The deadline for submission of proposals is January 22, 2024. For further details click here